1 Day Locating Seminar – Gibson City, IL

City of Gibson City 101 E. 8th St., Gibson City, IL, United States

Staking U’s Locator Seminars (LCS) are designed to aid locators in developing: Superior troubleshooting techniques, skills to consistently provide accurate and complete utility location information, and a mastery of locating equipment. This Locator Seminar includes classroom learning and outdoor presentations.

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1 Day Locating Seminar – Taylorville, IL

Taylorville Fire Department 217 N. Walnut St., Taylorville, IL, United States

Staking U’s Locator Seminars (LCS) are designed to aid locators in developing: Superior troubleshooting techniques, skills to consistently provide accurate and complete utility location information, and a mastery of locating equipment. This Locator Seminar includes classroom learning and outdoor presentations.

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1 Day Locating Seminar – Macomb, IL

City Transit Center 701 E. Pierce, Macomb, United States

Staking U’s Locator Seminars (LCS) are designed to aid locators in developing: Superior troubleshooting techniques, skills to consistently provide accurate and complete utility location information, and a mastery of locating equipment. This Locator Seminar includes classroom learning and outdoor presentations.

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2 Day LCS – Manteno, IL

Staking University 411 S. Evergreen St., Manteno, IL, United States

Staking U’s Locator Certification Seminars (LCS) are designed to aid locators in developing: Superior troubleshooting techniques, skills to consistently provide accurate and complete utility location information, a mastery of locating equipment, and skills required to pass Staking U’s locator certification test. The Locator Certification Seminar includes classroom learning and outdoor presentations. An opportunity to take Staking U’s written certification test is available at the end of class.

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2 Day LCS – Glenview, IL

NIPSTA 2300 Patriot Blvd, Glenview, IL, United States

Staking U’s Locator Certification Seminars (LCS) are designed to aid locators in developing: Superior troubleshooting techniques, skills to consistently provide accurate and complete utility location information, a mastery of locating equipment, and skills required to pass Staking U’s locator certification test. The Locator Certification Seminar includes classroom learning and outdoor presentations. An opportunity to take Staking U’s written certification test is available at the end of class.

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